What data does Luxe Sloepen Haarlem collect and process?
In order to provide you with the best possible service, we sometimes ask you to provide some personal information, for example when registering for our newsletter or when you fill out a contact form. Most of the information we ask for is not mandatory. For example, with the contact form we only require a name and an email address. We use this information to properly answer your question. In addition, the Luxe Sloepen Haarlem website collects user statistics.
What purpose does Luxe Sloepen Haarlem have with your data?
Luxe Sloepen Haarlem uses data for the following purposes: To send you a (thematic) newsletter (max 10 times per year), with relevant industry information, updates from Luxe Sloepen Haarlem and news To continuously improve luxesloepenhaarlem.nl To gain insight in the way visitors use our website and thereby improve it To adapt www.luxesloepenhaarlem.nl to your personal wishes and needs To be able to provide you with a suitable quote or to answer a question To be able to do so by telephone or email to be able to contact you in response to a contact request To process your application and respond To improve the targeting of our own marketing activities If you send a contact, quotation, product feed analysis, registration for a training, application or newsletter fill in the registration form on the website, or send us an e-mail, the data will be kept for as long as it is necessary based on the nature of the form or the content of the e-mail. Indeed, that is a flexible concept, so feel free to ask us if you want to know about a specific case.
This website uses various tools and systems Google Analytics, a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses ‘cookies’ (text files placed on your computer) to help the website analyze how users use the site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website is transferred to and stored by Google on its servers throughout the world, including the United States. https://privacy.google.com/businesses/compliance/#?modal_active=none Bing Ads conversion pixel https://advertise.bingads.microsoft.com/en-us/resources/policies/privacy-and-data-protection- policies Crazy Egg https://help.crazyegg.com/article/165-crazy-eggs-gdpr-readiness Facebook Analytics and conversion pixel https://www.facebook.com/privacy/explanation Google Ads Search pixel https://privacy .google.com/how-ads-work.html Linkedin Analytics(Insights) and conversion pixel https://www.linkedin.com/help/linkedin/topics/6701/6704/87163 Google Optimize https://privacy.google. com/businesses/compliance/#?modal_active=none WordPress CMS, with Gravity Forms plugin for our forms Twitter https://legal.twitter.com/ads-terms/international.html Mailchimp https://mailchimp.com/legal/ privacy/ Leadinfo https://www.leadinfo.com/nl/privacy/ Qooqie https://qooqie.com/nl-nl/privacybeleid/# In the past, use has also been made of: Mouseflow, Pipedrive, Hotjar, VWO , Bing Analytics Luxe Sloepen Haarlem has consciously chosen not to publish a list of all the different cookies and pixels here. If you would like to inspect this, this can always be arranged. If you no longer wish to receive our newsletter, you can always unsubscribe. You can set cookie preferences in your browser.
Use by third parties
Luxe Sloepen Haarlem will not provide your information to third parties without your permission, unless required by law. Except in the event of a merger or takeover, in which case the Luxe Sloepen Haarlem data will be included.
Luxe Sloepen Haarlem reserves the right to change the information on this website (including the text of this page).
Consent to the use of cookies
We use cookies to ensure that our website functions properly. To obtain your valid consent for the use and storage of cookies in the browser you use to visit our website and to properly document this, we use a cookie consent management platform: CookieFirst. This technology is provided by Digital Data Solutions BV, Plantage Middenlaan 42a, 1018 DH, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Website: https://cookiefirst.com/nl/ referred to as CookieFirst. When you visit our website, a connection is established with CookieFirst’s server to allow us to obtain valid consent from you for the use of certain cookies. CookieFirst then stores a cookie in your browser to enable only those cookies for which you have given permission and to properly document this. The processed data will be retained until the predetermined retention period expires or you request the data to be deleted. Notwithstanding the above, certain mandatory statutory retention periods may apply. CookieFirst is used to obtain the legally required consent for the use of cookies. The legal basis for this is Article 6(1)(c) of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Data Processing Agreement
We have concluded a data processing agreement with CookieFirst. This is an agreement required by data protection law, which ensures that data from our website visitors is only processed according to our instructions and in accordance with the GDPR.
Server log files
Our website and CookieFirst automatically collect and store information in so-called server log files, which your browser automatically transmits to us. The following data is collected: -Your consent status or withdrawal of consent -Your anonymized IP address -Information about your Browser -Information about your Device -The date and time you visited our website -The web page URL where you set your consent preferences stored or updated -The approximate location of the user who saved their consent preference -A universally unique identification number (UUID) of the website visitor who clicked on the cookie banner.