About Luxe Sloepen Haarlem
Only 28 years young and yet I, Arendo van Hulsbergen, owner of Luxe Sloepen Haarlem, have been on the water for over 20 years.
My love for the Dutch water started like so many young sailers in an optimist.
Then laser pico, keel boat, laser, splash and catamaran.
Finally, around age 13, the occasional sail was exchanged for an outboard motor, sometimes attached behind a small fishing boat, sometimes behind an inflated zodiac of friends. As a real born and raised Haarlem citizen I then sailed the river to which Haarlem owes so much, the Spaarne.
In the beginning of my student days, sailing was on the back burner for a while.
However, this did not last long (fortunately), because when I was 19, friends asked me if I would like to sail for them.
Well, that seemed like the right thing to do. Less than 3 hours later I was on a (too) large steel barge maneuvering a group of students along the canals of the capital.
The love for the water had bubbled up again.
From Amsterdam to Haarlem
Several years went by in which I had my own boats and sailed through Amsterdam, until one day I was visiting my mother.
She had just moved into a houseboat on the Spaarne; the love of water is not foreign to me.
The sun reflected like a mirror on the water and the beautiful trees that faithfully decorate the Spaarne like bodyguards made a light go on in my head.
Why shouldn’t I rent out boats here in Haarlem? After all, it is my city, the city where I was born and still prefer to stay.
This is how the story of Luxe Sloepen Haarlem started over 4 years ago.
Spacious neat sloops, fully equipped and seriously good catering, that’s the philosophy. Together with our team, that’s what we stand for.
Despite the fact that we often need skippers for the various boats, I am happy to still regularly drive one of the sloops, wonderful.
We hope to welcome you aboard one of our Luxury Sloops soon.